Mental health, SCARF and AI: my highlights of the second day of the Online Scrum Master Summit 2024

Attending the Online Scrum Master Summit 2024

Building on the success of the first day, the second day of the Online Scrum Master Summit 2024 featured thought-provoking sessions and insights. Attending the day’s eight (!) sessions immersed me in topics ranging from mental health and team dynamics to the use of AI in Agile practices. So join me again as I recount … Read more

Evidence-Based Management Guide: what’s new in the 2024 update?

Evidence-Based Management

Since the last version of the Evidence-Based Management (EBM) Guide was published in 2020, significant updates have been made to enhance the clarity and applicability of EBM. The updates in the new 2024 version are based on new insights and learnings since the 2020 version. The fundamental concepts of EBM remain unchanged, focusing on using … Read more

What does servant leadership mean?

Servant Leadership

Servant leadership is an innovative approach that contrasts traditional leadership styles. It emphasizes empathy, listening, and placing others’ needs before one’s own. We see the importance of servant leadership, especially in Agile and the Scrum framework. In this article, I explore how managers can apply servant leadership and why it’s a vital tool in today’s … Read more

Making Metrics Matter: what can we measure in a Scrum Team?


In the world of (agile) development, metrics hold a key role. They provide insight into team performance and guide improvement. However, focusing on the wrong ones can lead to undesired results. This article aims to shed light on crucial metrics, beneficial for both individuals and teams in a Scrum setting, while taking into consideration the … Read more

My personal takeaways from the Professional Agile Leadership™ – Evidence-Based Management™ (PAL-EBM) course and assessment

My personal takeaways from the Professional Agile Leadership™ - Evidence-Based Management™ (PAL-EBM) course and assessment

In December 2022, I took part in the Professional Agile Leadership™ (PAL-E) training. After this, I completed the PAL I assessment. However, I still had questions about applying empiricism to gain business value. To find answers, I decided to enroll in the “Evidence-Based Management ™” course. This article will share my key takeaways from the … Read more

When a Scrum Master evolves into an agile leader

When a Scrum Master evolves to an agile leader

My employer announced my promotion to the company’s middle management at the beginning of this year. So, as a member of middle management, does a Scrum Master ‘manage’ others? Gunther Verheyen explains in this 2014 article that the Scrum Master role is not a management role, but rather a facilitation role. The Scrum Master is … Read more

Are Scrum Masters redundant in organizations with high agile maturity?

Are Scrum Masters redundant in organizations with high agile maturity?

Since I was introduced to the Agile Maturity Model in the Professional Agile Leadership course, I have given this model a lot of thought. In Geoff Watts’ ‘Scrum Mastery’, I found a very amusing quote comparing the role of the Scrum Master to that of Nanny McPhee from the 2005 movie of the same name. … Read more

The Professional Agile Leadership course and assessment: my personal takeaways

Professional Agile Leadership (PAL) Essentials

A few months ago I enrolled for a Professional Agile Leadership (PAL-E) course. This was during the time when I decided to persue my further career at a different employer. The premise of this course has always intrigued me. But it seems taking this course could not be at a better time… Recently I have … Read more