Obeya, explained

Obeya, explained

Remember that time you tried to assemble IKEA furniture without instructions? Chaos, right? Managing a complex project without a clear visual guide feels the same. Enter Obeya, your new agile and Scrum best friend. Let’s explore how this concept can revolutionize your work. What is Obeya? Obeya, a Japanese term meaning “big room”, comes from … Read more

Use the FORCE: remembering the Scrum Values

Use the FORCE: remembering the Scrum Values

In a recent meeting, I found myself struggling to recall all the Scrum values. It was a moment of blankness, which was particularly frustrating as I pride myself on my expertise. Noooooo! Remembering lists has never been my strong suit. Previously, I had managed to remember the pillars of Empiricism—Transparency, Inspection, and Adaptation—as TIA, using … Read more

Why Product Thinking Matters (Scrum Master edition)

Why Product Thinking Matters (Scrum Master edition)

Have you ever cooked dinner for a date without knowing their culinary preferences? Imagine cooking an exquisite roast… only to find out your date is vegan. Traditional project management frequently feels like this: focused on finishing tasks rather than knowing what actually satisfies the end user. This is where product thinking comes in. It’s like … Read more

Autonomy, coaching and value measurement: my highlights of the third day of the Online Scrum Master Summit 2024

Attending the Online Scrum Master Summit 2024

The third and final day of the Online Scrum Master Summit 2024 built on the momentum of the preceding (day one, day two) days, presenting thought-provoking sessions and insightful discussions. Each workshop provided a deep exploration into the evolving Agile landscape. By attending Thursday’s eight (!) sessions, I gained novel insights on Agile autonomy challenges, … Read more

Mental health, SCARF and AI: my highlights of the second day of the Online Scrum Master Summit 2024

Attending the Online Scrum Master Summit 2024

Building on the success of the first day, the second day of the Online Scrum Master Summit 2024 featured thought-provoking sessions and insights. Attending the day’s eight (!) sessions immersed me in topics ranging from mental health and team dynamics to the use of AI in Agile practices. So join me again as I recount … Read more

Experimentation, hormones and Gen Z: my highlights of the first day of the Online Scrum Master Summit 2024

Attending the Online Scrum Master Summit 2024

While scrolling through LinkedIn, I came across the Online Scrum Master Summit, which instantly piqued my interest. The summit has a broad roster of speakers from across the world, each providing unique views and practical guidance. The large number of interesting subjects and speakers prompted me to cover each day of the summit. This blog post … Read more

Evidence-Based Management Guide: what’s new in the 2024 update?

Evidence-Based Management

Since the last version of the Evidence-Based Management (EBM) Guide was published in 2020, significant updates have been made to enhance the clarity and applicability of EBM. The updates in the new 2024 version are based on new insights and learnings since the 2020 version. The fundamental concepts of EBM remain unchanged, focusing on using … Read more

Rekindling a long-lost love for UX

Rekindling a long-lost love for UX

Last week, I took a course on using User Experience (UX) practices in Agile, and I couldn’t help but feel nostalgic about the early days of my career. The course provided a meaningful reflection on the principles I first discovered during my university years, when I began to understand the interaction of technology and user … Read more

My personal takeaways from the Professional Scrum Facilitation Skills™ (PSFS) course and assessment

My personal takeaways from the Professional Scrum Facilitation Skills™ (PSFS) course and assessment

As a Scrum Master, I’ve always been devoted to encouraging teamwork and positive interactions among team members. Over the years it’s become clear to me that mastering facilitation skills is essential for improving team dynamics and problem solving. Personally, I considered my facilitation skills to be “okay-ish.” I’ve often looked up to other professionals and … Read more

Embodying the four values of The Agile Manifesto

The Four Values of The Agile Manifesto

As a Scrum Master, you can use the Agile Manifesto’s four values as a compass to guide your team through the complex landscape of software development. Prioritising individuals and interactions, valuing working software, collaborating closely with customers, and embracing change can help ensure that processes are more than just delivering software; they are also about … Read more

Why hostmanship is an integral part of my personal and professional life


Sometimes it just clicks in your mind. When you read about a specific topic and think, “Hey! That’s me!“. A few days ago, while falling through another late-night Scrum rabbit hole, I came across the term ‘hostmanship’. After reading about it, I realized how much it reminded me of values I hold dear in both … Read more

Agile dystopia: escaping the grip of the Scrum Police

Agile dystopia: escaping the grip of the Scrum Police

The Scrum Master has an pivotal role in the Scrum framework, but their role is frequently misunderstood. Let me be clear: Scrum Masters are no ‘rule enforcers’. They are facilitators and coaches who guide their teams through project complexities with finesse and understanding. The stance of the “Scrum Police” highlights a misunderstanding of the Scrum … Read more

Five Whys, explained

Five Whys, explained

The “Five Whys” technique has emerged as a crucial tool for problem-solving and continuous improvement. This technique is based on asking “Why?” five times to dive deep into the root cause of a problem. It is a method that turns a challenge into an opportunity for growth and learning. Harnessing the power of the Five … Read more

Looking back to 2023 – and forward to 2024

Looking back to 2023 - and forward to 2024

As I look back to 2023, one word captures the essence of my journey. ‘Growth’. It’s been a year brimming with learning, from the plethora of courses completed, to the myriad of texts devoured. Yet, I feel like I have just begun an incredible adventure. The more I learn, the more I realize there is … Read more