My personal takeaways from the Professional Scrum Facilitation Skills™ (PSFS) course and assessment

My personal takeaways from the Professional Scrum Facilitation Skills™ (PSFS) course and assessment

As a Scrum Master, I’ve always been devoted to encouraging teamwork and positive interactions among team members. Over the years it’s become clear to me that mastering facilitation skills is essential for improving team dynamics and problem solving. Personally, I considered my facilitation skills to be “okay-ish.” I’ve often looked up to other professionals and … Read more

Five Whys, explained

Five Whys, explained

The “Five Whys” technique has emerged as a crucial tool for problem-solving and continuous improvement. This technique is based on asking “Why?” five times to dive deep into the root cause of a problem. It is a method that turns a challenge into an opportunity for growth and learning. Harnessing the power of the Five … Read more

Let’s have a tough conversation

Let's have a tough conversation

We’ve all been there. Uncomfortable silences, glaring issues that everyone knows about but no one wants to talk about, the proverbial ‘elephant in the room’. As humans, we naturally avoid conflicts. We would rather ignore the issue or get lost behind our screens, coding away, or jump into another meeting. The problem, however, continues to … Read more

Unlocking innovation with Liberating Structures

Liberating Structures, explained

Imagine you work for a company that wants to improve its processes. Despite numerous brainstorming sessions and team meetings, transformative ideas are unattainable. How could this be resolved? By implementing Liberating Structures! Liberating Structures provides a set of dynamic methods that revitalize conventional thinking, generating new ideas and solutions to complex problems. These methods promote … Read more

Agile Kata, explained

Agile Kata, explained

One night, while going down a reading-rabbit hole, I came across an unfamiliar term: ‘Agile Kata’. My thoughts strayed, and I found myself transported back to 2002, to the film “Equilibrium.” Equilibrium (directed by Kurt Wimmer) is a dystopian action film, starring Christian Bale. The film contains some fantastic action moments, but it was sadly … Read more