How to make a Definition of Done (DoD)

Reading time: 3 minutes

A Definition of Done (DoD) is a tool that assists in ensuring that a product or feature is completed to a high standard of quality. A DoD is a shared understanding of what it means for work to be completed, and it is used to ensure that all stakeholders, including Developers, Product Owners, and managers, know exactly what is expected of them.

How to make a Definition of Done (DoD)


A DoD should contain a list of specific criteria that must be met before a product or feature can be considered finished. These criteria should be specific, measurable, and achievable, and they should be based on the needs of the stakeholders and the project’s goals. Here are some examples of what should be included in a DoD:

  • Functional requirements: These are the characteristics or functions that a product or feature must have in order to be considered complete.
  • Non-functional requirements: These are the quality characteristics that a product or feature must have in order to be considered complete. Performance, security, and usability are a few examples.
  • Testing: Include a description of the testing required to ensure that the product or feature is complete, such as acceptance and performance testing.
  • Deployment: The process and steps for deploying the product or feature to production should be included.
  • Documentation: This should include any documentation, such as user manuals or technical documentation, that must be created or updated in order to support the product or feature.

The creation of a Definition of Done

Developing a DoD is a team effort that should include all stakeholders, including Developers, Product Owner and managers. The Scrum Master is in charge of facilitating this process and ensuring that everyone has a voice and that all points of view are considered.

The process of developing a DoD should begin with a brainstorming session in which everyone can share their thoughts and ideas on what should be included. This can be accomplished via virtual or in-person meetings, as well as online collaboration tools.

Once the initial list of criteria has been created, the stakeholders should review and refine it to ensure that it is specific, measurable, and achievable. This can be accomplished through a series of reviews, with each iteration building on the one before it until a final version is reached.

Once completed, the DoD should be shared with all stakeholders and reviewed and updated on a regular basis to ensure that it is relevant and up to date.


In conclusion, a Definition of Done (DoD) is an important tool for ensuring that a product or feature is completed to a high standard of quality. It should include a list of specific criteria that must be met before a product or feature can be considered finished, and it should be based on the needs of the stakeholders as well as the project’s goals. Developing a DoD is a team effort that should include all stakeholders, including Developers, Product Owner and managers.

The Scrum Master is in charge of facilitating this process and ensuring that everyone has a voice and that all points of view are considered. To ensure that the DoD remains relevant and up to date, it should be reviewed and updated on a regular basis.

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