How to improve the self-managing capabilities of your team?


As a Scrum Master, you might wonder about self-management. Why is it important? It revolves around the simple concept of ownership. When teams take ownership, they feel responsible for the results. This sense of responsibility inspires higher levels of engagement, creativity, and productivity. Furthermore, self-management boosts the team’s morale and builds resilience. It eliminates the … Read more

My personal takeaways from the Professional Scrum Product Backlog Management Skills™ (PSPBM) course and assessment

My personal takeaways from the Professional Scrum Product Backlog Management Skills™ (PSPBM) course and assessment

As a Scrum Master and Agile Coach, I have embarked on a personal quest to deepen my understanding of effective Product Backlog management. My organization faces the challenge of a massive Product Backlog which, thankfully, has seen notable improvements in quality over the past year. However, there’s always room for growth and refinement. That’s why … Read more

Let’s have a tough conversation

Let's have a tough conversation

We’ve all been there. Uncomfortable silences, glaring issues that everyone knows about but no one wants to talk about, the proverbial ‘elephant in the room’. As humans, we naturally avoid conflicts. We would rather ignore the issue or get lost behind our screens, coding away, or jump into another meeting. The problem, however, continues to … Read more

Kanban, explained

Kanban, explained

Kanban, a term borrowed from Japanese, means ‘visual sign’ or ‘card’. At its core, it is a visual management tool. It aids teams in managing and optimizing workflow. Kanban focuses on continuous improvement, flexibility, and flow. Let’s delve deeper into understanding its essence, how teams can leverage it, and how it stands apart from Scrum. … Read more

Beware the ever-looming ghost of Taylorism

Beware the ever-looming ghost of Taylorism

Avid readers of my blog (and attendants of my Scrum lectures) may recognize this topic, which is very close to my heart. Scrum and Taylorism represent two distinct paradigms. While Scrum is an emblematic representation of Agile, emphasizing team collaboration, flexibility, and a relentless focus on delivering genuine value, Taylorism stands as a methodology deeply … Read more

Unlocking innovation with Liberating Structures

Liberating Structures, explained

Imagine you work for a company that wants to improve its processes. Despite numerous brainstorming sessions and team meetings, transformative ideas are unattainable. How could this be resolved? By implementing Liberating Structures! Liberating Structures provides a set of dynamic methods that revitalize conventional thinking, generating new ideas and solutions to complex problems. These methods promote … Read more

Help, my Scrum Teams have become self-managing

Help, my Scrum Teams have become self-managing

As a diligent and incisive Scrum Master, your hard work in fostering self-managing Scrum Teams has finally paid off! These teams, thriving in autonomy, show a high level of engagement which correlates with improved productivity and innovative solutions. They are responsible for their work, make crucial decisions, and resolve challenges independently. However, you may now … Read more

Applying an empirical mindset to your daily life

empirical mindset

As an agile coach, my role is steeped in empiricism. It’s a principle on which Agile and the Scrum framework rest, allowing us to adapt in complex projects with unpredictable aspects. Empiricism, at its core, involves making decisions based on observed and tested phenomena. It’s about learning from experience, adjusting our actions based on what … Read more

What does servant leadership mean?

Servant Leadership

Servant leadership is an innovative approach that contrasts traditional leadership styles. It emphasizes empathy, listening, and placing others’ needs before one’s own. We see the importance of servant leadership, especially in Agile and the Scrum framework. In this article, I explore how managers can apply servant leadership and why it’s a vital tool in today’s … Read more

Making Metrics Matter: what can we measure in a Scrum Team?


In the world of (agile) development, metrics hold a key role. They provide insight into team performance and guide improvement. However, focusing on the wrong ones can lead to undesired results. This article aims to shed light on crucial metrics, beneficial for both individuals and teams in a Scrum setting, while taking into consideration the … Read more

Agile Kata, explained

Agile Kata, explained

One night, while going down a reading-rabbit hole, I came across an unfamiliar term: ‘Agile Kata’. My thoughts strayed, and I found myself transported back to 2002, to the film “Equilibrium.” Equilibrium (directed by Kurt Wimmer) is a dystopian action film, starring Christian Bale. The film contains some fantastic action moments, but it was sadly … Read more